I win grad school!! Well, I’m graduating this Wednesday after two years at Columbia University’s School of Social Work. What’s cool is that I’ll have even more time to focus on this comic and hopefully get it published soon! Would you happen to know of any publishing options that would fit with WNA? I’m just starting to research this stuff.

Wow, these two years were crazy difficult and rewarding. I moved to New York thinking I would go stealth*, but canned that idea after finding so much support from my peers and mentors; not to mention the fact that having an online comic that the whole world can see makes staying stealth a tad unrealistic…

In terms of career transitions, at first I was afraid to dive into graphic design because I thought people would judge me for doing something supposedly unrelated to social work. Fortunately, I learned amazing ways to tie all of my seemingly disparate interests together. Really, the secret recipe for each transition was being honest about what I wanted and then going for it, regardless of all the scary consequences I imagined (which mostly never came true). As they say in social work school: lean toward the uncomfortable!

This next chapter of life will be the least predictable and the most exciting, so I’ll need to replenish some energy beforehand. That’s why I’m taking a two-week break from making this comic to romp around Europe with friends. All of you WNA loyalists, thank you for following and enjoying this comic, and thank you for allowing me this brief hiatus. Your comic will be back by June 10!


*not out about being trans